Bonface Ndegwa

Bonface Ndegwa

Bonface Ndegwa is a 19 year old young man who has recently joined The Lighthouse for Christ Bible School in Mombasa, Kenya. He was advised to attend by his pastor, Joseph, who is also his brother. As he came closer to God at the Bible School, he was able to see that...
Learning His Light

Learning His Light

In August 2018, Lighthouse for Christ held a Vacation Bible School for a Primary School in Vipingo. We paired up with Trenton and Erica Yenokinda who brought their family and volunteers from their church in the States. During this 2 day VBS, the team focused on Jesus...
50 Years of Light

50 Years of Light

As we approach the 50th anniversary of Lighthouse for Christ we want to remember the people who have pulled us through from the beginning, as well as celebrating the many patients we have had the privilege to serve and save through Christ’s name. Throughout the years,...
The Pastor’s Children Sponsorship

The Pastor’s Children Sponsorship

David Nthenge is one of the many children out of our Pastor’s Children Sponsorship Program here at Lighthouse. David is the son of Pastor Nthenge who shares the Word of God at a Lighthouse hub in Kenya . The Nthenge family is a big, joyful, God-loving family who wants...
Building With Grace

Building With Grace

Out in the red sand of Voi’s farmland, Pastor Daniel and his family of 6 planted a new church from a Lighthouse Hub. When he first began teaching the Word of God to his community, 20 or more people would huddle under the makeshift shack they called their place of...
Rashid Hajj Mohammed Adhan

Rashid Hajj Mohammed Adhan

Rashid Adhan is a 62 year old Somali Kenyan man who has been visually impaired for the past 14 years. He was completely blind in both eyes for eight of those years. He knew about Lighthouse Hospital because he used to stay in Mombasa when he worked in a hotel as a...